Thursday, March 01, 2007


Old photos for now! This one is what I have as the background on my computer right now so I thought I would use it again. This castle is located right on the Ionian sea. I'm standing on a pebbly beach and I'm about 45 minutes from Taranto heading along the coast to Calabria and all points south. You could say I'm in the "arch of the boot". I hear it's a good restuarant!

Sooo long February! We had a good cold and wet February. I say “good” because we needed the rain. Now it’s the first day of March and the weather is great. I was overdressed with a light jacket this morning for the walk to work. Tomorrow I may not even need a jacket! Or maybe I’ll where my new jeans jacket tomorrow just to be stylish. Can you believe I’ve been here for 3 years and I just recently bought a jeans jacket? It’s very Italian with useless pockets of strange dimensions, random faded areas, and to top it off, on the back there is random writing in English that makes no sense. Before moving here I would never buy something like this.
I REALLY feel like taking the afternoon off. In February it was easy to work as with the nasty weather but now… The good news is that it is supposed to last until the weekend so I’ll wait. I could take tomorrow afternoon off. Yes I can do that. I just have to make sure they can get me on my cell phone and if something important comes up then I have to be able to drop what I’m doing and go in. Hey, I haven’t used a vacation day yet this year and there are no holidays in February or March.
Also the new camera may be easier than I thought. There are so many really cheap cameras out there. I know I shouldn’t be surprised that I can get a camera for half the price of the old one with more functions and more mega pixels, but I am.


Delina said...

That castle looks like it could collapse anytime soon!

Great photo.

Anonymous said...

Save your holidays for when I come over. Then we can go somewhere cool.

Julie said...

That is a great picture!

Jeff Gromen said...

They built them good back then. It's not going to fall. I think.

I can't save all my vacation time for family visits, but we do need to go somewhere cool.

Thanks and when I get my new camera there will be even better photos. When I was looking back at old photos I noticed that I used to take a lot more photos. I need to get back to doing that.


nikinpos said...

Yes, its that time of year where the temperature is just warmer outside the house than inside!