Thursday, November 23, 2006


Thanksgiving is the greatest of all the holidays. Bill Bryson mentioned this in one of his books. He had some strong arguments that I couldn’t deny. I can’t remember exactly what he said but it was something like:
No presents to buy (probably the greatest single reason to like Thanksgiving)
No cards (but I just received one from Nonna!!)
No caroling
No costumes
No decorations really.
No real religious implications
There IS plenty of food and it’s ok to eat as much as you want.
There IS plenty of football
There IS plenty of family time
YES, there are TWO days off of work.

I couldn’t go without turkey so I picked up a turkey breast at the “Salu…mino” the other day. It’s not as good as a whole roast turkey made by Nonna but it’s pretty good. How do I know already? Because I kinda ate it last night. I’ll have to get more tonight. I also jumped the gun and opened a new bottle of wine last night. The weather was lousy so I thought as long as I’m eating at home and watching Champions League Soccer I should have some wine and try out the turkey. I couldn’t resist.
I have no special plans for tonight. I did just have a great idea. I should take some of the turkey to my pizzeria and see if they will put it on a pizza. I think that would be good! Turkey pizza for thanksgiving!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving.


Anonymous said...

Why are you living in Brindis?

Best Whishes


Anonymous said...

I came here to work. I'm still working for an American company but in Italy. I'm a consultant (but I hate that word) for Avio in Brindisi.


Anonymous said...

´..thanks for telling me..I couldn`t resist asking, as I got so curious to know what a person doses,(like me)who seems to like Dilbert..:-). I always feel a bit closer to those people who share the same sense of humour....


Anonymous said...

I figure Italy is a good escape from the cubicle life I had in the US.
I lived Dilbert, like so many engineers!! And I think it's still waiting for me to return.
