Monday, August 22, 2005

Festival Time!!!!!

I just read in the paper that August 27th will be the start of the festival for the patron saints of the town of Brindisi. This is a great time to live where I do. I can walk to all the activities in town and that is so nice because parking is usually crazy at this time. I mean crazier than usual. There will be something going on every night from August 27th until September 5th. There will be free concerts, plays, a boat race, fireworks, parades (lead by the statues of the patron saints) and a big street market. Everything, except the church services will be outside. I love that.
Every town in Italy has at least one patron saint of the town. Brindisi has two. The more important one is San Lorenzo da Brindisi. I’m not sure what he did but the other San Teodoro has an interesting story. He was a captain on a ship during the Crusades. His fleet came under attack in Turkey and he was killed and his boat attempted to return to Brindisi. The crew put his body in a small boat, as they were being attacked and about to sink. The small boat made it’s way back to Brindisi where his remains are still today. Because of this miraculous return, every year as part of the celebration they parade his statue down to the sea where it is taken around the harbor in a parade of boats. Then it returns shore and fireworks are set off.What I should try to do is get a picture of something every night. It’s an ambitious goal. So I’ll make a little report with photo from every night. Also I should try to find out what San Lorenzo da Brindisi did.

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