I want to be in ferie so bad but there is too much to talk about right now. The most important news is that on Saturday we finally got rain! Almost 2 months without a single drop of rain. If you check out the photo you’ll see dots on my railing that I swear are from raindrops. It’s a good thing I took that photo when I did because it didn’t last long. It was barely enough to get the ground wet but I’m hoping other areas around here got more. I haven’t seen any fires along the roads so it seems to have done the trick for now. The only reason I’m blogging today is that there's another big dark cloud outside my window right now that may bring us a little more rain, if we’re lucky. It’s not a good day for the beach so I figured I could write a little.
Speaking of the beach. I set new records by coming across two octopi in one trip around the rocks. I can’t believe it but now I know what to look for they seem to be everywhere. Also I saw for the first time in the wild a cuttlefish. I took some lousy photos of it and even tried a video but you can’t see it because they are THE masters of camouflage. The only reason I saw it was because it happened to be right next to fish I was trying to photograph. I’m sure there are tons of them out there too I just need to look harder. The only thing I haven’t seen that I would really like to see (and have a chance of seeing) is a sea turtle. I know they’re around because occasionally they find an injured one and nurse it back to health. Also I would like to see a shark but that’s very, very unlikely.
Around town: As Marco mentioned they returned the statues to the top of the cathedral. In fact it was only days after I took that photo. So my photo of the statue less church is rarity or oddity. Maybe it’s a collector’s item? Of course there is a bunch of controversy over if the statues are the originals or copies. And we know they are from left to right. Pope Pios X, San Teodoro, San Lorenzo da Brindisi, and San Giustino de Jacobis. I also saw a sign that Brindisi will be celebrating San Teodoro from August 25th until September 3!! Wahoo, it’s always the BIGGEST PARTY in Brindisi.
Let’s see, I’ll just be getting back from whirlwind trip to the States by then. I should fill you in case I’m not blogging for a while and you won’t need to ask why. I leave Brindisi on August 17th for Cincinnati. After a weekend with family I’ll head up to Winnipeg, Canada where I’ll be working for a few days. Then my trip gets even crazier. From Winnipeg I’m going to Denver because some friends of mine are getting married in Keystone, Colorado. From there I fly back to Cincinnati and back to Brindisi in time for work Monday morning (August 27th) if it all works out. I mentioned before that “the stars were coming into alignment” because that was when the travel agent for my company had going through Cincinnati as the cheapest option to get to Winnipeg. Then when I found a direct flight from Winnipeg to Denver. I said, “Why not go to the wedding?” All I have to pay for is the flight from Winnipeg and the hotel in Colorado to be at another wedding in the month of August.
Fun and safe travels!I will look forward to any posts about the big festival.
jeff fatti vedere prima di partire...così ci salutiamo...
Hehe... I see the pretty rain drops Jeff! :)
Soo, you're coming over this side of the ocean soon! Good stuff...
I'll miss your posts. Have a wonderfull holyday, Jeff!
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