Friday, June 21, 2013

The Heat is On!

Well the weather has changed a little here lately.  The cool spring has been replaced but real summer heat.  Maybe it feels that much hotter because it arrived all at once.  I was loving the cooler weather as it was perfect for biking but I noticed that when it was cooler there was always a lot of wind.  Now that it’s hot there the wind seems to have disappeared.  I could really use a cool breeze at night to help sleep.  Anyway this weather will bring with it the obligation to go to the sea.  In all my years here I still do not feel the need to go to the sea.  I like cooling off in the sea but most of the other parts I don’t like.  The crowds, the heat, the sand, the sun, it’s like you have to run a maze of other hazards to get to the nice cool sea.  Then the water is usually too cold (at least in June) to stay in very long so you get out until the heat pushes you to go in again. Enough whining, because the weather is supposed to cool off a little next week already.

Hey I’m coming up on my 10th anniversary of moving to Italy.  Who would have thought?  My original contract was to work in Italy for 3 years but things just keep working out to where I need to stay.  Every year it was just for 1 or 2 more years.  Even now my future here is in doubt as working conditions are not ideal.  There are several layers of problems that are trying to force me out.  If you ask me what I want and I’ll say it’s easy.  Stay here and continue to work as I have been.  Let’s see if that’s possible.  In the 10 years that I’ve been here I’ve learned a lot and changed quite a bit.  I only moved once the whole time and it only up 2 floors in the same building.  I’ve always described this adventure as a roller coaster ride of emotions.  I’ve had some of the best days of my life in Brindisi and also some of the worst.  Things I never thought would happen and things I never thought I was see.


Nello waiting for the gecko.

1 comment:

Gil said...

Wishing you the best in continuing to live your dream life in Italy! I hope that the economy starts to turn around soon for you and so many others.